Hi there
My name is Stefan and i am a 27 year guy from Sweden and living in a town called Sundsvall.
Sweden is a country in europe i am very proud of, we got a good standard and we are a calm and nice people.
Sundsvall, is a town in the middle of Sweden (pretty nice). It is kinda cold here at the winter, but it is real warm at summer..
I am a very happy man, becouse i got the worlds moust wounderful woman, and i am very proud over her.
My hobbies is: Sport(moust Boxing), and computering.I also like to go out and have fun with my friends.
School: I learnd how to make furnitures in 2 years after regular school, then i learnd welding in one year..
Ecsperience(work): Construcion-worker 2 years, bingo-hall 3 years, I have take care of animals 4 month, Workin at hospital alittle,
Gardtender on a school 6 month, and so on, and so on..
By the way, i got two cats..they are called Gubben and Gumman, HE HE HE.